Dr. Phil's guests say they are overworked and overwhelmed moms who are at their breaking points. First, Miranda, 21, is a mother of two and says that she's responsible for all of the household chores, while her husband, Dakota, 23, plays golf, gambles and hangs out with his friends. Miranda says she cries almost every day and feels resentful toward her husband. Dakota admits he likes to have a good time but says that he works hard to support his family and feels that Miranda should be responsible for all of the housework. He says that his young wife gets easily overstressed and that she is the problem. Can Dr. Phil help these two negotiate a plan that works for both of them? Then, Jessa has 10 kids, including 1-year-old triplets, and admits she's overwhelmed but says her controlling nature makes it hard to delegate household tasks. Her husband, Jeremy, says Jessa takes care of everyone -- except herself. Professional organizer Julie Morgenstern takes a trip to Jessa's home. Can she help Jessa streamline her daily tasks and put herself first? And, to pamper these moms under pressure, Robin McGraw showers Miranda and Jessa with specially-selected gifts made available by OpenSky.com. Tune in to learn how you can buy some of Robin's favorite products -- and more!